💅🏼 Nail Polish: Medium-Light Skin Tone Emoji

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Learn More About 💅🏼 Nail Polish: Medium-Light Skin Tone Emoji

💅🏼 This medium-light skin tone nail polish emoji represents a soft, delicate shade of beige or pale pink. It is perfect for those who want a subtle, natural look for their nails. The emoji is detailed and polite, making it a great choice for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance to their digital communication.

💅🏼 Nail Polish: Medium-Light Skin Tone Emoji Keywords

care, cosmetics, manicure, nail, polish

💅🏼 Nail Polish: Medium-Light Skin Tone Emoji In Other Languages

Bengali: নেল পলিশ: মাঝারি-হালকা ত্বকের রঙ, Danish: neglelak: medium til lys teint, German: Nagellack: mittelhelle Hautfarbe, English: nail polish: medium-light skin tone, Spanish: pintarse las uñas: tono de piel claro medio, Estonian: küünelakk: keskmiselt hele nahatoon, Finnish: kynsilakka: keskivaalea iho, French: vernis à ongles : peau moyennement claire, Hindi: नेल पॉलिश: हल्की गोरी त्वचा, Hungarian: körömlakk: közepesen világos bőrtónus, Italian: smalto per unghie: carnagione abbastanza chiara, Japanese: マニキュアを塗る手: やや薄い肌色, Korean: 매니큐어: 연한 갈색 피부, Lithuanian: nagų lakas: vidutinio gymio, Malay: pengilat kuku: ton kulit sederhana cerah, Norwegian Bokmål: neglelakk: hudtype 3, Dutch: nagellak: lichtgetinte huidskleur, Polish: lakier do paznokci: karnacja średnio jasna, Portuguese: esmalte de unha: pele morena clara, Russian: маникюр: светлый тон кожи, Swedish: nagellack: mellanljus hy, Thai: สีทาเล็บ: โทนผิวสีขาวเหลือง, Ukrainian: лак для нігтів: помірно світлий тон шкіри, Chinese: 涂指甲油: 中等-浅肤色

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