💅🏻 This emoji represents a light skin tone nail polish. It is a common emoji used to indicate a light or fair complexion, and is often used in beauty and fashion contexts. The emoji is a simple, cartoonish representation of a nail polish bottle with a light skin tone label. It is a versatile emoji that can be used in a variety of situations, from discussing nail art to describing a person's skin tone.
I'm so glad I found this nail polish in a light skin tone, it matches my complexion perfectly! 💅🏻
I love how this nail polish looks on my nails, it's such a flattering shade for light skin tones. 💅🏻
I'm excited to try out this new nail polish brand, their light skin tone shades are getting great reviews. 💅🏻
care, cosmetics, manicure, nail, polish
Bengali: নেল পলিশ: হালকা ত্বকের রঙ, Danish: neglelak: lys teint, German: Nagellack: helle Hautfarbe, English: nail polish: light skin tone, Spanish: pintarse las uñas: tono de piel claro, Estonian: küünelakk: hele nahatoon, Finnish: kynsilakka: vaalea iho, French: vernis à ongles : peau claire, Hindi: नेल पॉलिश: गोरी त्वचा, Hungarian: körömlakk: világos bőrtónus, Italian: smalto per unghie: carnagione chiara, Japanese: マニキュアを塗る手: 薄い肌色, Korean: 매니큐어: 하얀 피부, Lithuanian: nagų lakas: šviesios odos, Malay: pengilat kuku: ton kulit cerah, Norwegian Bokmål: neglelakk: hudtype 1–2, Dutch: nagellak: lichte huidskleur, Polish: lakier do paznokci: karnacja jasna, Portuguese: esmalte de unha: pele clara, Russian: маникюр: очень светлый тон кожи, Swedish: nagellack: ljus hy, Thai: สีทาเล็บ: โทนผิวสีขาว, Ukrainian: лак для нігтів: світлий тон шкіри, Chinese: 涂指甲油: 较浅肤色