👩🔬 The woman scientist emoji represents a brilliant and dedicated individual in the field of science. She is often depicted with a lab coat, goggles, and a clipboard, symbolizing her work in a laboratory setting. With a thoughtful expression and a nod of concentration, she is fully immersed in her research, eager to uncover new discoveries and advance the boundaries of knowledge. This emoji is perfect for expressing admiration for the scientific community and the important work they do.
Dr. 👩🔬 just discovered a new species of plant in the Amazon rainforest!
The 👩🔬 team has been working tirelessly to develop a cure for COVID-19.
Professor 👩🔬 is known for her groundbreaking research on climate change and its impact on the environment.
biologist, chemist, engineer, physicist, scientist, woman
Bengali: মহিলা বিজ্ঞানী, Danish: kvindelig forsker, German: Wissenschaftlerin, English: woman scientist, Spanish: profesional de la ciencia mujer, Estonian: naisteadlane, Finnish: naistutkija, French: scientifique femme, Hindi: महिला वैज्ञानिक, Hungarian: női tudós, Italian: scienziata, Japanese: 女性科学者, Korean: 여자 과학자, Lithuanian: mokslininkė, Malay: saintis wanita, Norwegian Bokmål: kvinnelig forsker, Dutch: wetenschapster, Polish: kobieta naukowiec, Portuguese: cientista mulher, Russian: ученая, Swedish: kvinnlig forskare, Thai: นักวิทยาศาสตร์หญิง, Ukrainian: жінка-науковець, Chinese: 女科学家