👈️ Backhand Index Pointing Left Emoji

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Learn More About 👈️ Backhand Index Pointing Left Emoji

👈 The backhand index pointing left emoji represents a hand gesture where the index finger is pointed towards the left while the hand is held back, as if gesturing to something or someone located in that direction. It can be used to indicate a specific location or to ask a question related to something happening on the left.

👈️ Backhand Index Pointing Left Emoji Keywords

backhand, finger, hand, index, point

👈️ Backhand Index Pointing Left Emoji In Other Languages

Bengali: বামে ইশারা করা উল্টো হাতের তর্জনী, Danish: peger mod venstre, German: nach links weisender Zeigefinger, English: backhand index pointing left, Spanish: dorso de mano con índice a la izquierda, Estonian: vasakule osutav sõrm, Finnish: vasemmalle osoittava etusormi kämmenselkä katsojaan päin, French: main avec index pointant à gauche, Hindi: बाईं ओर इशारा करती तर्जनी, Hungarian: kéz balra mutató ujjal, Italian: indice verso sinistra, Japanese: 左指差し, Korean: 왼쪽을 가리키는 손등, Lithuanian: į kairę pirštu rodanti ranka, Malay: jari telunjuk tunjuk kiri, Norwegian Bokmål: peker mot venstre – bakhånd, Dutch: achterkant van hand met naar links wijzende wijsvinger, Polish: palec w lewo, Portuguese: dorso da mão com dedo indicador apontando para a esquerda, Russian: указывающий налево палец, Swedish: vänsterpekande finger, Thai: นิ้วชี้ทางซ้าย, Ukrainian: палець тильним боком, що вказує вліво, Chinese: 反手食指向左指

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