🖊️ The ✋🏿 raised hand: dark skin tone emoji represents a person with dark skin tone raising their hand in a gesture of acknowledgement, appreciation, or agreement. This emoji can be used to show solidarity, support, or excitement, and can be applied to a variety of contexts, including work, school, or social gatherings. Its dark skin tone variation adds inclusivity and diversity to the emoji family, representing the diverse range of skin tones found in the global community.
I have a question ✋🏿 Can you help me find the nearest restroom?
I'm not sure if this is the right path ✋🏿 Can you confirm the directions to the meeting?
I'm feeling a bit lost ✋🏿 Can you provide some guidance on how to get started with this project?
Bengali: অনুগ্রহ করে থামুন: কালো ত্বকের রঙ, Danish: løftet hånd: mørk teint, German: erhobene Hand: dunkle Hautfarbe, English: raised hand: dark skin tone, Spanish: mano levantada: tono de piel oscuro, Estonian: ülestõstetud käsi: tume nahatoon, Finnish: nostettu käsi: tumma iho, French: main levée : peau foncée, Hindi: उठा हुआ हाथ: साँवली त्वचा, Hungarian: felemelt kéz: sötét bőrtónus, Italian: mano alzata: carnagione scura, Japanese: 挙手: 濃い肌色, Korean: 손바닥: 검은색 피부, Lithuanian: iškelta ranka: itin tamsios odos, Malay: angkat tangan: ton kulit gelap, Norwegian Bokmål: hevet hånd: hudtype 6, Dutch: opgeheven hand: donkere huidskleur, Polish: wzniesiona dłoń: karnacja ciemna, Portuguese: mão levantada: pele escura, Russian: поднятая ладонь: очень темный тон кожи, Swedish: hand i luften: mörk hy, Thai: ตั้งฝ่ามือ: โทนผิวสีเข้ม, Ukrainian: піднята рука: темний тон шкіри, Chinese: 举起手: 较深肤色