🙋🏽‍♂️ Man Raising Hand: Medium Skin Tone Emoji

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Learn More About 🙋🏽‍♂️ Man Raising Hand: Medium Skin Tone Emoji

The 🙋🏽‍♂️ man raising hand emoji represents a person with medium skin tone, hand raised in a gesture of inquiry or excitement. This emoji can be used to express curiosity, ask for permission, or show enthusiasm. It can also be used in a variety of contexts, such as in response to a question, to indicate agreement, or to show appreciation.

How To Use 🙋🏽‍♂️ Man Raising Hand: Medium Skin Tone Emoji

I have a question 🙋🏽‍♂️ Can you help me find the nearest restroom?

I'm interested in learning more about this topic 🙋🏽‍♂️ Can you provide some additional resources?

I'm having trouble with my computer 🙋🏽‍♂️ Can you help me troubleshoot the issue?

🙋🏽‍♂️ Man Raising Hand: Medium Skin Tone Emoji Keywords

gesture, man, raising hand

🙋🏽‍♂️ Man Raising Hand: Medium Skin Tone Emoji In Other Languages

Bengali: ছেলেদের হাত তোলা: মাঝারি ত্বকের রঙ, Danish: mand med løftet hånd: medium teint, German: Mann mit erhobenem Arm: mittlere Hautfarbe, English: man raising hand: medium skin tone, Spanish: hombre con la mano levantada: tono de piel medio, Estonian: kätt tõstev mees: keskmine nahatoon, Finnish: viittaava mies: tummanvaalea iho, French: homme qui lève la main : peau légèrement mate, Hindi: हाथ उठाया हुआ पुरुष: गेहुँआ त्वचा, Hungarian: vidáman intő férfi: közepes bőrtónus, Italian: uomo con mano alzata: carnagione olivastra, Japanese: 手を挙げる男: 中間の肌色, Korean: 한 손 든 남자: 갈색 피부, Lithuanian: ranką pakėlęs vyras: rusvos odos, Malay: lelaki mengangkat tangan: ton kulit sederhana, Norwegian Bokmål: mann som rekker opp hånden: hudtype 4, Dutch: man met opgeheven hand: getinte huidskleur, Polish: mężczyzna podnoszący rękę: karnacja średnia, Portuguese: homem levantando a mão: pele morena, Russian: мужчина с поднятой рукой: средний тон кожи, Swedish: man som räcker upp handen: mellanfärgad hy, Thai: ผู้ชายยกมือ: โทนผิวสีเหลือง, Ukrainian: чоловік із піднятою рукою: помірний тон шкіри, Chinese: 男生举手: 中等肤色

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