The 👳🏿♀️ woman in the turban is a powerful symbol of cultural identity and resilience.
The dark skin tone version of the 👳🏿♀️ woman wearing turban Emoji adds diversity to the conversation and challenges stereotypes.
The 👳🏿♀️ woman in the turban: dark skin tone Emoji is a reminder of the importance of representation and inclusivity in media.
Bengali: পাগড়িওয়ালি: কালো ত্বকের রঙ, Danish: kvinde med turban: mørk teint, German: Frau mit Turban: dunkle Hautfarbe, English: woman wearing turban: dark skin tone, Spanish: mujer con turbante: tono de piel oscuro, Estonian: naine turbaninga: tume nahatoon, Finnish: turbaanipäinen nainen: tumma iho, French: femme en turban : peau foncée, Hindi: पगड़ी वाली महिला: साँवली त्वचा, Hungarian: turbános nő: sötét bőrtónus, Italian: donna con turbante: carnagione scura, Japanese: ターバンの女性: 濃い肌色, Korean: 터번을 쓰고 있는 여자: 검은색 피부, Lithuanian: moteris su turbanu: itin tamsios odos, Malay: wanita berserban: ton kulit gelap, Norwegian Bokmål: turbankledd kvinne: hudtype 6, Dutch: vrouw met tulband: donkere huidskleur, Polish: kobieta w turbanie: karnacja ciemna, Portuguese: mulher com turbante: pele escura, Russian: женщина в тюрбане: очень темный тон кожи, Swedish: kvinna i turban: mörk hy, Thai: ผู้หญิงโพกหัว: โทนผิวสีเข้ม, Ukrainian: жінка в тюрбані: темний тон шкіри, Chinese: 戴头巾的女人: 较深肤色