The 🧑🏾🤝🧑🏾 people holding hands emoji depicts two individuals with medium-dark skin tones, their hands clasped together in a warm and affectionate gesture. The emoji conveys a sense of closeness, connection, and mutual support, and can be used to represent a variety of relationships, including romantic partners, friends, and family members.
The 🧑🏾🤝🧑🏾 couple walked hand in hand through the park, enjoying the warm sunshine and each other's company.
The group of friends 🧑🏾🤝🧑🏾 held hands as they crossed the busy street, smiling at each other and feeling grateful for their friendship.
The 🧑🏾🤝🧑🏾 siblings hugged each other tightly, their hands intertwined as they celebrated their shared love and support for one another.
couple, hand, hold, holding hands, person
Bengali: হাত ধরে থাকা লোকেরা: মাঝারি-কালো ত্বকের রঙ, Danish: personer hånd i hånd: medium til mørk teint, German: sich an den Händen haltende Personen: mitteldunkle Hautfarbe, English: people holding hands: medium-dark skin tone, Spanish: dos personas de la mano: tono de piel oscuro medio, Estonian: inimesed hoiavad käest kinni: keskmiselt tume nahatoon, Finnish: ihmiset käsi kädessä: keskitumma iho, French: deux personnes se tenant la main : peau mate, Hindi: हाथ पकड़े हुए लोग: हल्की साँवली त्वचा, Hungarian: egymás kezét fogó emberek: közepesen sötét bőrtónus, Italian: persone che si tengono per mano: carnagione abbastanza scura, Japanese: 手をつなぐ2人: やや濃い肌色, Korean: 손을 잡고 있는 두 명의 사람: 진한 갈색 피부, Lithuanian: rankomis susikibę žmonės: tamsios odos, Malay: orang berpegangan tangan: ton kulit sederhana gelap, Norwegian Bokmål: personer som leier: hudtype 5, Dutch: personen hand in hand: donkergetinte huidskleur, Polish: osoby trzymające się za ręce: karnacja średnio ciemna, Portuguese: pessoas de mãos dadas: pele morena escura, Russian: люди, держащиеся за руки: темный тон кожи, Swedish: personer som håller hand: mellanmörk hy, Thai: คนจับมือกัน: โทนผิวสีแทน, Ukrainian: люди, що тримаються за руки: помірно темний тон шкіри, Chinese: 手拉手的两个人: 中等-深肤色