⏳️ Hourglass Not Done Emoji

⏳️ Hourglass Not Done Emoji Kitchen Combinations

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Learn More About ⏳️ Hourglass Not Done Emoji

🕒 The ⏳ hourglass not done emoji represents the idea of something being incomplete or unfinished. It can be used to indicate that a task or project is still in progress, or that there is more work to be done. This emoji can also be used in a more general sense to convey a sense of urgency or deadline, as if the clock is running out of time.

⏳️ Hourglass Not Done Emoji Keywords

hourglass, sand, timer

⏳️ Hourglass Not Done Emoji In Other Languages

Bengali: প্রবাহিত বালি দিয়ে বালিঘড়ি, Danish: timeglas med løbende sand, German: laufende Sanduhr, English: hourglass not done, Spanish: reloj de arena con tiempo, Estonian: voolava liivaga kell, Finnish: valuva tiimalasi, French: sablier avec sable qui coule, Hindi: बहती रेत के साथ रेतघड़ी, समय, Hungarian: nem lejárt homokóra, Italian: clessidra che scorre, Japanese: 砂が落ちている砂時計, Korean: 시간이 남은 모래시계, Lithuanian: smėlio laikrodis su krentančiu smėliu, Malay: jam pasir dengan pasir mengalir, Norwegian Bokmål: startet timeglass, Dutch: zandloper met stromend zand, Polish: klepsydra z przesypującym się piaskiem, Portuguese: ampulheta contando o tempo, Russian: время пошло, Swedish: timglas med rinnande sand, Thai: นาฬิกาทรายจับเวลา, Ukrainian: пісковий годинник із піском, який сиплеться, Chinese: 沙正往下流的沙漏

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