🫰 Hand with Index Finger and Thumb Crossed: This emoji represents a hand with the index finger and thumb crossed, indicating a sense of caution or warning. It can be used to convey a sense of careful consideration or to warn someone of potential danger. It can also be used in a more lighthearted way to indicate that something is "off limits" or "forbidden."
I'm so grateful for my AI assistant, they're always 🫰 with their answers.
The AI's response was 🫰, providing me with detailed information on the topic.
I was impressed by the AI's ability to 🫰 and provide polite responses, even when faced with difficult questions.
expensive, heart, love, money, snap
Bengali: বুড়ো আঙুলের সঙ্গে তর্জনী ঘোরানো হাত, Danish: krydset pegefinger og tommelfinger, German: Hand mit gekreuztem Zeigefinger und Daumen, English: hand with index finger and thumb crossed, Spanish: mano con dedo índice y pulgar cruzados, Estonian: pöialt ja nimetissõrme risti hoidev käsi, Finnish: etusormi ja peukalo ristissä, French: main avec index et pouce croisés, Hindi: क्रॉस किए तर्जनी और अंगूठे वाला हाथ, Hungarian: keresztezett mutató- és hüvelykujjú kéz, Italian: mano con indice e pollice incrociati, Japanese: 親指と人差し指をクロス, Korean: 엄지와 중지를 교차한 손, Lithuanian: ranka sukryžiuotu smiliumi ir nykščiu, Malay: tangan dengan jari telunjuk dan ibu jari bersilang, Norwegian Bokmål: hånd med pekefinger og tommel krysset, Dutch: hand met wijsvinger en duim gekruist, Polish: dłoń ze skrzyżowanym palcem wskazującym i kciukiem, Portuguese: mão com dedo indicador e polegar cruzados, Russian: жест «деньги», Swedish: hand med tummen och pekfingret korsade, Thai: นิ้วชี้ไขว้นิ้วโป้ง, Ukrainian: клацання пальцями, Chinese: 食指与拇指交叉的手