The 🧑🦲 person is a curious and inquisitive individual, always eager to learn and discover new things. With a bald head and a friendly smile, they exude a sense of approachability and warmth. Their eyes sparkle with excitement as they engage in conversation, and they are always eager to help others with their questions and concerns. Whether they are chatting with a friend or interacting with a machine, the 🧑🦲 person is a true conversationalist at heart.
My AI assistant is always so helpful, even when I ask silly questions 🧑🦲.
I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to grow my hair back, so I might just stick with this emoji from now on 🧑🦲.
adult, bald, gender-neutral, person, unspecified gender
Bengali: প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক: নেড়া, Danish: voksen: skaldet, German: Person: Glatze, English: person: bald, Spanish: persona adulta: sin pelo, Estonian: täiskasvanu: kiilaspea, Finnish: aikuinen: kalju, French: adulte : chauve, Hindi: व्यक्ति: गंजा, Hungarian: felnőtt: kopasz, Italian: persona: calvo, Japanese: 大人: はげ頭, Korean: 사람: 대머리, Lithuanian: suaugusysis: plikas, Malay: dewasa: botak, Norwegian Bokmål: voksen: skallet, Dutch: volwassene: kaal, Polish: dorosły: łysy, Portuguese: pessoa: careca, Russian: взрослый: без волос, Swedish: person: skallig, Thai: คน: หัวล้าน, Ukrainian: людина: лисина, Chinese: 成人: 秃顶